Let's Gouge the "Not Rich at All"
This ran a week ago in the NY Times. If you didn't take note of it then I'd strongly recommend you do so now. This administration's tax cutting proclivities are going to dig into everyone's pocketbook with the exception of those who are well off. Maybe the reason most Americans seem to go along with this is that they think that somehow they, too, are going to be well off. Think again --- there is no reason for anyone reading this to think that they'll be living in the rarefied atmosphere of the truly well-off, and if you make to the $80 to $400K status, which used to be considered "well off", you'll be doing ok but you'll be paying more tax as a percentage of your income than someone making over $400K; this makes NO sense. I've bolded the parts that I think are most worthy of attention:
The Bush Economy
In last Sunday's Times, David Cay Johnston reported that from 1980 to 2002, the latest year of available data, the share of total income earned by the top 0.1 percent of earners
more than doubled, while the share earned by everyone else in the top 10 percent rose far less. The share of the bottom 90 percent declined. President Bush did not create the income gap. But the unheralded effect of his tax policy is its unequal impact on the modestly well to do. By 2015, those making between $80,000 and $400,000 will pay as much as 13.9 percentage points more of their income in federal taxes than those making more than $400,000, assuming the tax cuts are made permanent. Below $80,000, most taxpayers will see their share of taxes rise slightly or stay the same. Mr. Johnston's article quotes a prominent economist who argues that people care more about the chance to move from one income class to another (upward, of course) than about income distribution. But during the Bush years, the two main sources of class mobility - a good job and money for higher education - have increasingly failed to materialize for those who most need them. Last week's jobs report from the Labor Department confirmed that a strong labor market recovery has not taken hold. Wages for most working people failed even to outpace inflation in the past year. That might be more bearable if things were rough all over. But the share of economic growth that is going toward corporate profits, which flow to stockholders and bondholders who are concentrated at the top of the income scale, is at historic highs.
Which brings us back to the super wealthy and the merely rich. The divide between rich and poor is unfortunately an old story, but income-class warfare among the top 20 percent of the scale is a newer phenomenon. One cause is that the further up the scale one goes, the more of one's income comes from investments, which under the Bush tax cuts enjoy about the lowest rates in the tax code. But many families making between $100,000 and $200,000 are not
exactly on easy street. They don't face choices anywhere near as stark as those encountered further down the income ladder, but they face serious tradeoffs not experienced by the uppermost crust, particularly when hit with the triple whammy of college for the children, care for aging parents and preparing for their own retirement.
There is something deeply wrong about a system that calls into question a comfortable retirement or a top-notch education for people who have broken
into the top 20 percent of income earners. It starts to seem politically explosive when you consider that in a decade, those making between $100,000 and $200,000 will pay about five to nine percentage points more of their income in federal taxes than those making more than $1 million, assuming the Bush tax cuts are made permanent.
This is not about giving wealthy people more money to invest back into the economy. At this level, it's really about giving more money to those who have nothing to do with it except amass enormous estates for their heirs. Fixing the problem will require members of Congress to summon the courage to say no to a president who wants more for the richest of the rich at the expense of everyone else. We're not holding our breath.
Blogger's note: This affects you, gentle reader, and if you're not complaining about it and demanding that it be changed, it's you in your retirement, your kids, and your kid's kids who'll be suffering from it in the years to come.
More on this tomorrow --- I'm on a rant after reading something in the Times this evening.
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